Mohja Kahf, "The Spiced Chicken Queen..."
Why does Kahf include the Altonjays’ in the story? Why is it important to show a much earlier representation of immigrants?
Why does Kahf keep providing the instant contrast between Rana’s life and Mzayyan’s?
“Appaled, Rana did not translate ‘She’s not dropping charges,’ she said to Hecotr a little curtly. Then she went home and climbed into the dual-control fully adjustable king-sized bed with Emad, who was ling since sound asleep.” (page 147)
Suheir Hammad, "First Writing Since"
These lines stood out...
- “I’ve never been so hungry as to yield hunger.”
- “This was bound to happen, lets not forget U.S. transgressions. Hold up, I live her. These are my friends and fam, me in those buildings, and we’re not bad people, do not support America’s bullying.”
- “Big white woman and her embrace only people with flesh can offer”
- “One more person asked me if I knew the hijackers.”
- “In America, it’ll be those amongst us who refuse blanket attacks on the shivering, who work towards social justice and opposing hateful policies.”
- “Never felt less American and more Brooklyn these days.”
- “Affirm life. Affirm life. We got to carry each other now. You are either with life or against it”